Thursday, March 8, 2007

Milo Kearney and Mimosa Schraer "The Flaw in Troilus"

Milo Kearney and Mimosa Schraer "The Flaw in Troilus"

Kearney, Milo and Schraer, Mimosa "The Flaw in Toilus" (handout in class) The Chaucer Review. Vol. 22. No. 3. 1988, pp. 185-190.

In this handout, Milo and Mimosa argue that Troilus is just responsible for what happens at the end of Troilus and Criseyde as Criseyde was. They point to the fact that Troilus says nothing when Criseyde is being offered up as an exchange to the Greeks in Book IV. They argue that Troilus could have helped Hector presuade the Trojans to not send Criseyde over to the Greeks if he had just spoken out. They also go and make comparisons to how Troilus is portrayed in Boccaccio's version of Troilus and Criseyde. They mostly compare on how well of a speaker Troilus is in each version and the differences in what he does in the scene where Criseyde is being handed over to the Greeks by the Trojans. They ultimately say that Troilus is just as responisble for what happens in the end as Criseyde is.

available from the handout in class

Patrick Cogar

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